연성 콘택트렌즈의 단백질 흡착 양과 눈의 건강과의 관계 |
김효진, 김민정, 김수영, 최준섭, 주천기 |
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, the Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
Relationship between Proteins Adsorption of Soft Contact Lens and Ocular Health |
Hyojin Kim, Minjung Kim, Su-Young Kim, Jun-Sub Choi, Choun-Ki Joo |
Abstract |
Purpose We investigated the ralationship between protein doposit and ocular health in both soft tarditional contact lens and soft serial contact lens. Methods: We evaluated the clinical perfomance after switching from soft traditional lens to soft serial contact lens for the 120 eyes from 60 patients. Mean power of total traditional contact lens wearers was -4.46D(-1.00~-9.00D). We examined the patients' satisfaction and corneal status using slit lamp after switching from soft traditional lens to soft serial contact lens. Proterin deposit was analyzed the absorption amounts of contact lens in each lens using protein quantitative analysis. Results: Patients preferred serial contact lens voer their own traditional lenses in all performance attributes, including comfort, clean feeling, and eye health. Ocular health conditions showed improvement in corneal limbal injection and bulbar injection. Protein deposit amounts of traditional lens and serial contact lens were 0.08 mg/ml and 0.03 mg/ml, respectively. Conclusion: Protein deposit, patients' satisfication and corneal status was improved after switching from traditional contact lenses to serial contact lens. |
Key Words:
Contact lens, Corneal status, Patinet's satisfaction, Protein deposit, Ocular health |